Rembrandt M&A advised Thuis in Bouwen B.V., in the sale of a stake to Pleisjier en Pleijsier and Quadrum Capital

Thuis in Bouwen is a residential construction company mainly active in the Western part of  The Netherlands. With four branches in Meerkerk, De Lier, Blaricum and Steenberg provides the company everything from the development, design/architecture to the building of homes. Thuis in Bouwen focuses on medium- and large-scale housing projects as well as smaller-scale projects with a few dwellings. Rembrandt M&A advised Thuis Bouwen B.V. in the sale of a stake to Pleisjier en Pleijsier, a Dutch non-residential construction company, and Quadrum Capital, a Dutch private equity investor in amongst others the IT, Tech, Healthcare and Packaging industry.



Rembrandt M&A

Advised in the sale of

Thuis in Bouwen


Pleisjier en Pelijsier and Quadrum Capital

Engineering and Construction

MidCap Alliance